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Search: “sicherheitskonferenz”

We found 24 results for your search.

16. February 2020

Report: Munich’s largest Anti-War Demonstration: Protest against the Munich Security Conference

In this video we document the anti-war demonstration that took place on the 15th of February 2020 in Munich against the 56th Munich Security Conference.

13. February 2020

Antiwar Activism & the Demonstration against the Munich Security Conference | Franz Haslbeck

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into the English language.

12. February 2020

Event Tip for this Saturday: Protests against the “Munich Security Conference”

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into the English language.

17. February 2019

acTVism Report: The Peace Conference & Demonstration against the Munich Security Conference

In this video we document two day’s activities organized by the German peace movement that take place in opposition to the annual Munich Security Conference (MSC).

12. February 2019

Veranstaltungstipp: Protest-Aufruf gegen die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz – Frieden statt Aufrüstung!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

17. February 2018

Report: Demonstration against the Munich Security Conference | acTVism Munich

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.

14. February 2018

TIPP: 17th February – The Major Demonstration against the Munich Security Conference Begins

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.

6. February 2018

Die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz & soziale Sicherheit | Mit Michaela Amiri

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.

30. January 2018

The Munich Security Conference & Weapons Export | With Ates Gürpinar

In diesem Interview sprechen wir mit Ates Gürpinar, Landessprecher der LINKEN in Bayern, Medienwissenschaftler und Mitorganisator der Demonstration gegen die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz am 17.02.18 über das Thema Waffenexporte.