We found 74 results for your search.
Should the U.S. Withdraw Its Troops from Iraq and Syria? – Joshua Landis.
20th Anniversary: The US War of Aggression against Iraq.
Wilkerson on Militarism and Regrets About Iraq War
RÜCKBLICK: Saddam Husseins Vernehmer bei der CIA enthüllt Lügen des Irakkriegs.
EDITORIAL PICK: Wikileaks Chief Editor on US attack on civilians in Iraq (Collateral Murder).
Am 9. September 2018 verpasste es die Tagesschau, eine der wichtigsten Nachrichtensendungen in Deutschland, die Rolle der amerikanischen Regierung in Ländern wie dem Irak und Nordkorea zu erläutern.
In this video produced by Democracy Now! and translated by acTVism Munich volunteers into German, Amy Goodman and Juan González continue the conversation with John Nixon, a CIA analyst who was the first person to interrogate Saddam Hussein after his capture circa 15 years ago.
In this video produced by Democracy Now! on the 28th of December 2016, and translated by acTVism Munich volunteers into German, John Nixon, the CIA analyst who interrogated Saddam Hussein after his capture circa 14 years ago, reveals that much of what the CIA believed to know about Saddam Hussein at the time of the invasion was wrong.
In this week’s acTVism Editorial Pick, Aaron Mate from The Real News Network interviews Anand Gopal, an Afghanistan correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, about the actual civilian death toll in Iraq from the US bombing campaign as opposed to the figures provided by the U.S. government.