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In this episode of The Source, we talk with author and independent journalist Fabian Scheidler about recent mainstream media reports on the Nord Stream pipeline bombing. We also discuss NATO’s recent pledge to admit Ukraine into its alliance and its implications for possible peace talks with Russia. Finally, we talk about the Julian Assange case and what it means for democracy.
To read the transcript of this video: Nord Stream Bombing: Debunking the Mainstream Media Narrative
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Fabian Scheidler, born in 1968, studied history and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and theater directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt/M. Since 2001, he has worked as a freelance writer for print media, television, theater and opera. In 2009, he founded the independent television magazine Kontext TV with David Goeßmann. Otto Brenner Media Prize for critical journalism (2009). As a dramaturge and playwright, he worked for many years for the Grips Theater in Berlin. In 2013, his opera “Death of a Banker” (music: Andreas Kersting) premiered at the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz. In 2015, Fabian Scheidler’s book “Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation” by Promedia Verlag (Vienna). The Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies selected it as one of the “TOP 10 Future Literature 2015”. Visit his website here: https://www.megamaschine.org/en/
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