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Search: “NATO”

We found 213 results for your search.

10. November 2022

The Spyware that can control your Phone | Interview Dr. Shir Hever

The Spyware that can control your Phone | Interview Dr. Shir Hever.

7. November 2022

Uprising and Violence in Palestine | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

Uprising and Violence in Palestine | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever.

5. November 2022

Noam Chomsky on the forgotten Hero & Whistleblower

Aufgrund limitierter finanzieller Mittel stehen manche Videos ggf. derzeit nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung. Spenden Sie auf unser Crowdfunding-Projekt, um uns mit der Übersetzung zu unterstützen.

21. October 2022

The Spyware that can control your Phone | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

The Spyware that can control your Phone | Interview Dr. Shir Hever.

20. October 2022

Uprising and Violence in Palestine | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

Uprising and Violence in Palestine | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever.

14. October 2022

Noam Chomsky: The Rise of Fascism in the United States

Noam Chomsky: The Rise of Fascism in the United States.

11. October 2022

Noam Chomsky: Is the US Risking Nuclear War With China?

Noam Chomsky: Is the US Risking Nuclear War With China?

26. September 2022

Noam Chomsky: Is the US Risking Nuclear War With China?

Noam Chomsky: Is the US Risking Nuclear War With China?

14. September 2022

Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg sound the alarm for humanity

Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg sound the alarm for humanity.