A People’s Green New Deal – Connecting Militarization, Environment & Economic System
In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we interview Max Ajl, a postdoctoral fellow at the Rural Sociology Group at Wageningen University and an associated researcher at the Tunisian Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment. We talk about his new book, ‘A People’s New Green Deal’ (2021). We examine what a People’s New Green Deal is and why it takes the People’s Agreement of Cochabamba into consideration. Finally, we discuss how a People’s New Green Deal should be implemented and whether society is ready for it.
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Max Ajl is a postdoctoral fellow at the Rural Sociology Group at Wageningen University and an associated researcher at the Tunisian Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment. He is an associate editor at Agrarian South. His book, ‘A People’s Green New Deal’, was published in 2021 with Pluto Press.
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