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Chemical Attacks in Syria: Coverup at the OPCW?

28. April 2021

Chemical Attacks in Syria: Coverup at the OPCW?

On this page we compile all the videos produced by our international partners and/or us that cover the developing OPCW scandal. This scandal focuses on the chemical attacks that took place in Syria and how the OPCW is rejecting any calls for an internal investigation even though a number of whistleblowers have come forward that claim that evidence is being suppressed or manipulated.

VIDEO 1: In moving UN speech, veteran diplomat confronts OPCW ‘stonewalling and smear tactics’ on Syria

VIDEO 2: The OPCW Syria Cover-up exposed by Journalist Aaron Mate

VIDEO 3: Chomsky: OPCW cover-up of Syria probe is ‘shocking’

VIDEO 4: Exclusive: Ex-OPCW chief Jose Bustani reads Syria testimony that US, UK blocked at UN

VIDEO 5: The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté testifies at UN on OPCW Syria cover-up

VIDEO 6: Russiagate, the OPCW Scandal & Biden vs. Trump | With Journalist Aaron Maté

VIDEO 7: Newsweek reporter quits after editors block coverage of OPCW Syria scandal

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