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In this section you will find editorial picks and suggestions to videos and events from other organizations.

18. March 2019

»Die Erfindung der bedrohten Republik« – Buch von David Goeßmann, mit einem Vorwort von Konstantin Wecker

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

12. February 2019

Veranstaltungstipp: Protest-Aufruf gegen die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz – Frieden statt Aufrüstung!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

5. February 2019

EDITORIAL PICK: Reporting from the streets of Venezuela on Pro- & Anti-Government Marches

In this acTVism Editorial Pick, we share a video from the correspondent of The Real News Network, Dimitri Lascaris, who reports from the ground in Caracas about Saturday’s pro- and anti-government marches, highlighting their peacefulness and equal size.

1. February 2019

Fundraising Concert for Yemen in Munich

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

6. December 2018

Editorial Pick: Human Connection Interviews Zain Raza – Founder of acTVism Munich

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable the content on this page into English. Please donate today so we can translate all of our work into the English language by clicking here.

26. November 2018

Kein Bock auf Black Friday? Dann komm zum Giving Tuesday!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

25. October 2018

MAKING THE BLACK BOX SPEAK: Performing Arts – Musik – Medienkunst – politisches Happening im Muffatwerk

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

7. September 2018

Veranstaltungstipp: 18. Münchner Wissenschaftstage 10. bis 13. November | „Arbeitswelten – Ideen für eine bessere Zukunft“

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

4. September 2018

US Sanctions Shut Down The Empire Files with Abby Martin | Here is how you can Help!

As a result of the latest US sanctions against Venezuela, The Empire Files has been forced to completely shut down operations.