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Veganism - Vijay Kolinjivadi

Are Veganism, Hipsterism & Green Tech remedies to the Climate Crisis? Interview with Vijay Kolinjivadi

26. September 2019

Are Veganism, Hipsterism & Green Tech remedies to the Climate Crisis? Interview with Vijay Kolinjivadi

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In this interview with ecological economics researcher Vijay Kolinjivadi we talk about the often-touted solutions to the climate crisis and some of the myths surrounding them. Furthermore we discuss both the significance of & the dangers associated with the role that figures such as Greta Thunberg play. Lastly, we examine the possible solutions that Green parties and beyond would need to implement in order to tackle the climate crisis.

VIDEO:  Are Veganism, Hipsterism & Green Tech remedies to the Climate Crisis? Interview with Vijay Kolinjivadi

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Vijay KolinjivadiVijay Kolinjivadi has been exploring how the environment is a historical process occurring in a racialized, colonial, and gendered context through both socio-political and biophysical relationships. His background spans ecology, education, behavioral economics, philosophy, policy, and geography. He has a PhD analyzing the social and environmental (in)justices associated with the financialization of nature conservation and is just about to start a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Development Policy at the University of Antwerp. He is a writer with the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, following multilateral environmental processes. an officer of Research and Education for the Canadian Society of Ecological Economics (CANSEE), and co-editor of Uneven Earth; a website focusing on environmental politics. In addition to academic publications, he has been published in Al Jazeera, New Internationalist, Truthout, The Conversation, and Mongabay.

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