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The Finance Curse – Part 1 – Wirecard & Elite Fraud | With White-Collar Criminologist Bill Black

23. Juni 2020

The Finance Curse – Part 1 – Wirecard & Elite Fraud | With White-Collar Criminologist Bill Black

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In the first part of our interview series with former financial regulator, author and white collar criminologist William Bill Black, we discuss the latest scandal surrounding the German financial services company called Wirecard. In addition, we examine Bill Black’s work on the three epidemics of elite control fraud and predation and how they led to the financial crisis of 2008.

VIDEO: The Finance Curse – Wirecard & Elite Fraud | With White-Collar Criminologist Bill Black

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Bill Black is a professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) and the Distinguished Scholar in Residence for Financial Regulation at the University of Minnesota Law School.  He is a white-collar criminologist. He was the Executive Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention from 2005-2007. He was a senior financial regulator instrumental in ‘reregulating’ the Savings & Loan industry to counter the debacle and aiding the successful prosecution of over 1,000 elite white-collar criminals.  He is a co-founder of Bank Whistleblowers United. He authored The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One with blurbs from Paul Volcker and George Akerlof.

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