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Hundreds of millionaires advocating for a wealth tax

Hundreds of millionaires advocating for a wealth tax

30. March 2021
Hundreds of millionaires advocating for a wealth tax

In this episode of The Spark, we interview Djaffar Shalchi, who is an entrepreneur and philanthropist. We talk about his engagement in the growing international network of multimillionaires, Millionaires for Humanity, which advocates for a 1% wealth tax to help support the COVID-19 recovery, tackle poverty and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To read the transcript of this video: Hundreds of millionaires advocating for a wealth tax

VIDEO: Hundreds of millionaires advocating for a wealth tax

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Djaffar Shalchi (born 1961 in Tehran, Iran) is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who immigrated to Denmark as a child. From 1988 to 1999, he worked for a large Danish real estate company. Since 1999, he has been a self-employed entrepreneur working side by side with his wife, Ané Maro. Together, they have created their fortune through real estate development and trading. Djaffar and Ané founded the Human Act Foundation in 2016 with a vision of a just and sustainable world free from extreme poverty.

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