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Tag: nordstream

26. April 2024

Varoufakis banned from Germany, Nordstream Update & new US aid for Ukraine | Fabian Scheidler

Varoufakis aus Deutschland verbannt, Nordstream & Ukraine Update | Fabian Scheidler.

24. April 2024

Varoufakis banned from Germany, Nordstream Update & new US aid for Ukraine | Fabian Scheidler

Varoufakis banned from Germany, Nordstream Update & new US aid for Ukraine | Fabian Scheidler.

25. March 2024

Sweden closing Nord Stream investigation shocking coverup -investigator

Sweden closing Nord Stream investigation shocking coverup -investigator.

18. December 2023

Jeffrey Sachs speaks out on Israel’s war and ethnic cleansing in Gaza

Jeffrey Sachs speaks out on Israel’s war and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

11. October 2023

Standing ovation for a Nazi in Canada, Nord Stream Update & the Hypocrisy of the Green Party

Standing ovation for a Nazi in Canada, Nord Stream Update & the Hypocrisy of the Green Party.

29. September 2023

Nord Stream Update, Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Gains & Dispute with Poland

Nord Stream Update, Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Gains & Dispute with Poland.

13. June 2023

Roger Waters speaks at Rage Against the War Machine

Roger Waters speaks at Rage Against the War Machine .

19. May 2023

Nord Stream Bombing: Debunking the Mainstream Media Narrative

Nord Stream Bombing: Debunking the Mainstream Media Narrative.

11. May 2023

Jill Stein on the War in Ukraine – Pentagon Leaks, Nord Stream & Activism

Jill Stein on the War in Ukraine – Pentagon Leaks, Nord Stream & Activism.