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Wife of Julian Assange speak out before the EU Parliament

Wife of Julian Assange speak out before the EU Parliament

20. Dezember 2022

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Stella Assange recently spoke at the European Parliament representing Julian Assange. Award-winning journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been nominated for this year’s Sakharov Prize, in recognition of his work defending human rights and freedom of speech. This video was produced by the Don’t Extradite Assange campaign and originally published on their YouTube channel on December 19, 2022. We republished it today on our channel to draw attention to this case – locally and internationally.

VIDEO: Wife of Julian Assange speak out before the EU Parliament

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Stella Assange is a lawyer and human rights defender. She is the wife of the award-winning journalist and founder of WikiLeaks. Throughout her career, she has been an international human rights advocate, especially in the case of her husband.

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