We found 61 results for your search.
Here you will find the interview with Dr. Jill Stein that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.
In this video we talk to Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff, about George Orwell’s famous book called “1984”, and in particular the excerpts pertaining to the military expenditure and war.
Here you will find all videos that acTVism Munich produced on the military industrial complex in 2017.
In this educational video Medea Benjamin, the co-founder of CODEPINK, author and activist, talks about the military industrial complex – its history and the cultural role it plays in our society.
In this editorial pick Andrew Feinstein, author of the book Shadow Wars, outlines the tactics that need to be employed in order to halt global militarism. From touching on the importance of producing information, undertaking direct action to divesment tactics, Feinstein gives a range of options that one could employ in order to halt the influence of the military industrial complex.
In this video Dr. Shir Hever talks about the history and evolution of the Israeli military industrial complex from the 1980s onwards until the modern era.
In this video Dr. Shir Hever talks about the history and evolution of the Israeli military industrial complex from when the Israeli state was formed up until the 1980s.
In this interview with bestselling author, investigative reporter and co-founder of The Intercept, Jeremy Scahill, we talk about the political economy of the United States foreign policy apparatus and its influence abroad in countries such as Germany and Saudi Arabia. In addition, we explore the role that Germany plays in the war on terror and the history of anti-war movements.
In this interview with bestselling author, investigative reporter and co-founder of The Intercept, Jeremy Scahill, we talk about the political economy of the United States foreign policy apparatus and its influence abroad in countries such as Germany and Saudi Arabia. In addition, we explore the role that Germany plays in the war on terror and the history of anti-war movements.